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These 5 plants for kids have superpowers
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Plants don't just make any room more beautiful, they can have some amazing powers when it comes to your kids' (and our) health. Did you know for example, that plants´ air-cleaning-properties will help your kids to sleep better? Kids with dry skin and irritated noses will get big benefits from plants! We have found 5 wonderful plants for you that don't just look gorgeous but will benefit your little ones in many different ways. You'll be surprised what superpowers are hiding in the following plants for kids!
Photo by Brina Blum on Unsplash
The Benefits of Plants in kids room
Oxygen Production
Of course everybody knows that plants produce oxygen. But it is surprising what a big difference a plant can make in a kids room. The Green Lilly and the Aloe Vera for example are true champions when it comes to producing oxygen inside. But the Bow Hemp beats them all, creating oxygen not just in daytime, but also at night!
Cleaner Air
Air pollution is not just a problem outside on the streets. It also exists at home, as pollutants like microplastics, allergens and other toxins can pollute our homes through cleaning products or humidity. Plants like the Green Lilly and the Bow Hemp are there for the rescue, as they have the wonderful quality of removing harmful substances from the inside air.
Soothing Effect on Body and Mind
Plants do not only have a positive impact on indoor climate, but also directly on our kids’ wellbeing. The Bow Hemp for instance can heal eye irritations, headaches and asthma. Aloe Vera is there to heal skin injuries and other irritations. And last but not least, plants in kids rooms, especially the jasmine, help your little ones (and therefore us) to get better sleep and rest!
5 Plants for kids rooms
Green Lily
The green lily is the perfect plant for children's rooms. Even NASA has studied it and what they found out is astonishing. It can filter 90% of indoor air pollution coming from formaldehyde (used in fast fashion items as anti-crease), carbon monoxide and other pollutants. And it can do more. The green lily produces lots of oxygen during the day, as well as releasing moisture. Helping kids with dry skin and a clogged nose with its healthy properties. The green lily is a fast grower and can be multiplied with its many offshoots. Meaning that your little ones can try out their first steps as gardeners by taking care of little green lily babies.
Photo by Lucian Alexe on Unsplash
Aloe Vera
The aloe vera releases surprising amounts of oxygen and is the perfect plant for kids rooms. But it can be lots more than an oxygen-giving decoration. The aloe vera gel heals skin injuries and irritations like sunburn, relieves itching and moisturizes. Because it can easily reproduce, one plant is enough for the start. The offshoots will grow faster than you think! Aloe vera needs little water, that your kids can take care of it without a big risk of drying out fast. We love the double use of the aloe vera. As a “passive plant” improving the indoor climate and as an “active” plant for kids that heals skin irritations.
Photo by Alanah Light on Unsplash
Bow hemp
Bow hemp is one of the few plants for kids that can produce oxygen at night. Like the green lily, NASA recommends it as a perfect plant to improve your indoor climate. It is a perfect alternative to keeping the window open in the kids bedroom!
Next to being busy making lots of oxygen, the bow hemp cleans the air from household toxins. (chemical cleaning products, plastic and fast fashion products). It was found in studies that bow hemp can help to prevent eye irritations, headaches and asthma inside bedrooms, as well as other rooms. This plant is super robust and doesn't need much water or light. Even if you place it further away from windows, it will do lots of wonders without needing much attention!
Photo by Paul Hanaoka on Unsplash
Are your little ones having trouble falling asleep or sleeping well the entire night? Try out a jasmine as a plant inside the kids room! It not only blooms beautifully, but according to several studies also has calming properties on the mind for a better sleep. But keep in mind: many people might find the scent quite dominant. Before you decide on a jasmine as a plant for kids, see first if everyone in the family is a fan of the smell. :) We believe it's definitely worth a try to help with your kids sleep!
Umbrella Palm
Last but not least, the umbrella palm is a beautiful kids room plant. It evaporates 90% of the water it picks up through its leaves and it is a true master when it comes to making rooms more humid. This plant perfectly suits kids who are making their first gardening experiences. The umbrella palm can be placed even in the darkest corners of the room - it's’ just important to water it a lot. With its impressive and fast-growing leaves, this plant will turn every kids room into a jungle-adventure land.
Shopping for plants sustainably
Are you looking to go for one or more of the above plants for kids but want to buy them in a sustainable way? Look out for the Fair Trade and Fair Flower Fair Plants certifications, which have been introduced in Germany in 2005 and 2006. You can even find out online (Fair Trade , FFFP), what botanical stores in your area have plants with these certifications. Look out for any badges pointing out that you are buying locally. During the months of April to September you will have the best chances. Just keep your eyes open!
If you're not in the mood to buy something new, there are alternatives: Maybe somebody in your friends or family has one of the plants mentioned above in their home. The green lily, aloe vera and bow hemp can easily grow into a wonderful house plant from an offshoot. And there are even online platforms where you can adopt a plant from someone else. The possibilities are manifold!
Who would have thought that plants can have such great benefits on the well-being of our little ones! Plants for kids don't just make any room more beautiful. They also create a more healthy indoor climate, filter out toxins from the air, allow us to sleep better, lessen allergies, asthma and bronchitis.
Let us know if you've made experiences with the same plants for kids. If you've felt a difference and if you have any more ideas for kids room plants! We look forward to hearing your ideas!
Photo by Katya Austin on Unsplash
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